the six screens form a hexagon
the screens are elevated, leaving the floor clear
the soundscape consists of footsteps
the footage is shot from over 40 shows
the projectors, players and speakers are not hiden
forum box gallery
the construction
Footage shot from the end of the catwalk at 50 shows in India Fashion Week 2012 traps the viewer in an array of approaching models. The installation is a hexagon suspended around and above the viewer with six back projected videos and sound.
Watch introduction video here.
The installation has been exhibited:
- ”Man Machine” Forum Box gallery Helsinki 2012
Direction & realisation:
Jaakko Pesonen
Construction built by:
Daniel Bumann
The models
Fashion Design Council of India – Sunil Sethi & Neha Kohli
David Abraham
Kevin Nigli
Rakesh Thakore